AR Solar System Simulator
Actively maintaining an AR simulator designed for educating about our solar system
Streamlined a responsive AR to allow the user to maneuver their camera around and observe a 3D selected planet
Enabled users to see generic information from NASA about each planet as education is a focal point of the project
Aug. 2022 – Present
Parallel Programming Research Project
Led a team project investigating methods of parallelizing Dijkstra’s and the Bellman-Ford algorithm
Created the graph data structure, model data generator, unit tests, integration tests, performance metric tests, and the entire Dijkstra portion
Steered the integration of the Bellman-Ford algorithm into the analysis execution
Jan. 2022 – May. 2022
E-Commerce - Nittany Market
Built a mock E-Commerce site from scratch utilizing Python and Flask
Provided the abilities for buyers to purchase products from sellers, sellers to publish products, buyers to query results from categories search products, and more
Facilitated the ability for buyers to create an account, change their password, and request seller access
Jan. 2022 – May. 2022
Linux File System Driver
Constructed a file system driver that interfaced between a simulator and the disk controller on a local server
Imitated an OS file system that could perform open, close, read, write, and seek operations on existing files or create and maintain new files
Implemented an LRU cache for data access efficiency while using several diverse workloads for output validation
August 2021 – December 2021
Local Businesses
Professional Website Creator
Designed and created a website for a life coach in Berks, PA
Designed and created a website for a local hoagie shop in Lititz, PA
Gained knowledge on client-contractor relationships while practicing web development skills and meeting deadlines
Completed in 2019